Contact Us

For inquiries regarding the Niigata University of Management, please use the contact form on this page. You may also contact us by email, telephone, and FAX.

Contact Form

Please fill out and send the contact form below. For cases where we are unable to send a reply, such as to your cell phone email, we may contact you directly by telephone.

*You may not be able to receive email from our university, depending on your email reception restriction settings. If you wish to receive emails from us, please add to your list of allowed domains.

*If you wish to have your questions answered by email, please be sure to write your email address.

Note: Within 1,000 characters.

 Various Inquiries to the University by Email / Phone / FAX

To contact the Niigata University of Management, please fill out the following required items and send an email.
*For cases where we are unable to send a reply, such as to your cell phone email, we may contact you directly by telephone.

  1. Name
  2. Contact Phone No.
  3. Inquiry Content

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the Niigata University of Management by telephone or FAX, listed below.

General Inquiries: +81-256-53-3000 (Representative)

FAX: +81-256-53-4544

  • Inquiries Regarding Entrance Exams: Entrance Exam Public Relations Division
  • TEL: +81-256-53-4311 FAX: +81-256-53-4544 (Representative)
  • Inquiries Regarding Employment: Employment Guidance Room
  • TEL: +81-256-53-3016 FAX: +81-256-53-3100
  • Other Inquiries: General Information
  • TEL: +81-256-53-3000 (Representative) FAX: +81-256-53-4544 (Representative)